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Animal Planet & NYS Animal Advocacy Day

It's been quite a busy past few months here in Buzz land! I've been down to NYC to film for Animal Planet's show "My Cat from Hell," and I was a special guest at NYS Animal Advocacy Day. No, I wasn't a "Hell cat," they selected some special cats this season for a segment called "My Cat from Heaven" and I was one of the ones chosen for my therapy work.

If you don't know, I am a certified therapy cat and visit people in nursing homes, and at risk youths. I also advocate for animal welfare and rights, which we will get to a little later on. Back in March, Mama Fuzz, Uncle Jamie Fuzz and I took a 3 day trip to NYC and visited some folks in NYC, and Jackson Galaxy and his crew were there to capture the special moments. I learned about therapy work, from Mama Fuzz's late friend Kevin, who had a therapy cat visit him in his dying days+. Then my friend Rich and his dog Hudson pointed me in the right direction to get started. These are pictures from the "My Cat from Heaven trip", to be continued below about Animal Advocacy Day...


Assemblyman Jim Tedisco and Senator Phil Boyle sponsored the 6th NYS Animal Advocacy Day-a bi-partisan event to further protect our companion pets from cruelty. This took place June 7th, 2016 in the Legislative Office Building in Albany, NY. I was a special guest along with my friends Hudson and Bocker.

Oh and since you read this far, here is juicy gossip! There has been a Boyfriend Fuzz around the house now! BUT HE LIKES CHARLIE MORE THAN ME! GAWD

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